Discover all our features
LiDAR scanning and instant 2D plan generation
Quickly scan your rooms and furniture with LiDAR and generate highly accurate 2D plans instantly.
Energy performance database
Import automatically the energy performance data from the National Building Database (BDNB).
Detailed report generation
Generate complete reports with all dimensions, furniture inventory, notes, photos, geographical location, building data, energy class and more.
Exportable projects in several formats
Export your projects in professional formats such as Excel, PDF, image, IFC, DXF and more.
External plan import
Import existing plans into your project to use as a reference for your reports.
Complete drawing tools
Use our drawing interface to modify your plans and adapt them to your needs.
3D model visualization
Visualize and export your project in a 3D interface.
Geographical location and surface calculation
Measure easily the surface and the location of the building on the ground from a map interface with 4 different views.
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